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How to Build a Sober Support Network

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How to Build a Sober Support Network

what is sober networking

Many people find great success in replacing their drug use with exercise. While this may be healthier than an addiction to chemical drugs, exercise addiction is still a concern that can create further health complications. Another way to get people into your support group is to start participating in community classes. Not only will this help to meet people, but this will also allow you to connect with people who share similar interests as you.

Dual Diagnosis 101: How Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use Disorder Often go Hand in Hand

what is sober networking

I have admired her work on addiction and the brain ever since I learned about her years ago. One thing that’s important in any of these situations is to take your time connecting with people. You can’t be certain that everyone in your new class is sober, and most likely, few people are in recovery or familiar with how to assist people in recovery. One of the easiest ways to build a new support group is to attend recovery meetings. There are a lot of different recovery meetings that you can choose from.

  • To build and expand your sober support network, attend support group meetings, join sober events, use online resources, and engage in activities that promote sober living.
  • Individuals in recovery benefit from maintaining boundaries as it helps them safeguard their progress by steering clear of situations that could trigger a relapse.
  • Having supportive people around you can increase your chances of long-term addiction recovery.
  • Because most members of your support network will likely be learning how to support someone in recovery for the first time, they will need to know when they doing things correctly.
  • You may not always be perfect at it, but strive to make progress rather than perfection.

Engaging in Sober-Friendly Activities

Recovery might require learning to navigate new thought patterns and triggers. Recovery specific groups are those that gather for a particular purpose or activity https://ecosoberhouse.com/ in order to have clean fun together. Examples of recovery-oriented groups include the infamous 5th Chapter motorcycle club and Young People in Recovery.

Social support networks provide more opportunities

Family and friends that support the addict’s recovery are possibly the most important part of a strong support system. From old friends that bring understanding, history and loyalty to new friends that have been acquired along the path to recovery, often these individuals can provide more emotional support than others. The same is true of family members, but people in recovery must beware to limit relationships with family members that were enablers or those who do not support or take addiction recovery seriously. In many cases relationships with family members are cited as the cause of substance abuse, so it’s important to choose the family and friends that are permitted into a support network carefully and honestly.

what is sober networking

Your sober network will become your first line of defense against the obstacles that challenge recovery, so select carefully. Giving up unhealthy relationships is essential during your recovery journey. sober networking Developing a sober support group can help combat these feelings and support long-term recovery. Many people start their journey to recovery by attending a substance use treatment center.

FAQs About Building a Sober Network

what is sober networking

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